View a sample of our previous work

PCB Removal
San Antonio, Texas
RSI was awarded a multi-year contract for the excavation of PCB-contaminated soils located within several operating substations throughout the City of San Antonio, TX. During removal activities RSI was responsible for excavation and shoring activities, stormwater management, treatment of collected fluids prior to discharge, backfilling and site restoration.

Capping | Waste Repository
Collinsville, Oklahoma
This project requires the consolidation of 150,000 cubic yards of smelter waste from a 60 acre site. The waste materials were excavated and placed into an onsite consolidation cell. Final restoration included capping the consolidation cell, final grading of the site and construction of access roads.

Chrome Stabilization
Lewis, Kansas
Work was performed in an active manufacturing facility that previously had a chrome plating operation. Existing concrete was removed and installation of an infiltration gallery piping was installed. Injection of calcium poly sulfate solution was completed into the soil via geo-probes. The concrete was replaced and the infiltration gallery was left in place for future injections.
Landfill Expansion
Frisco, Texas
The project consisted of excavating 26,000 cubic yards of overburden to grade, installing and compacting a clay liner, a synthetic liner and a soil protective layer. The new synthetic liner was seamed into the existing synthetic liner of the current active landfill to expand the landfill to retain additional materials.
Frisco, Texas
This project required removal of floor tile that contained non-friable asbestos, residue removal, building and equipment decontamination and demolition of numerous buildings and associated aboveground piping and ancillary equipment. The Site was comprised of the furnace buildings, oxide building, battery breaker building, maintenance building, slag stabilization building, waste water treatment building and the crystallizer buildings. The support equipment that was decontaminated and demolished.
Zinc Corporation Facility Demolition
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
RSI was responsible for the safe demolition of the Somex and Main manufacturing plants. In all, there were approximately 18 buildings that were demolished to grade. Prior to demolition activities, RSI was responsible for the removal of all utilities, asbestos and hazardous waste materials located in each building. Additionally, RSI transported and disposed of all asbestos-containing materials, building debris and prepared scrap materials generated during demolition activities.
Since 1993, RSI has completed over 1,500 projects in 36 states. Our clients include a vast network of engineering firms and Fortune 500 companies throughout the United States.
Contact us for more information regarding our services.